EVENT FLYER ATTACHMENT Attach Event Flyer (Max 2MB – Formats allowed: JPG and PDF ) Attach Any Other Document If Needed (Max 2MB – Formats allowed: JPG and PDF ) CUSTOMER SUPPORT PERSONNEL First & Last Name* Email Address* Phone Number* EVENT INFORMATION Event Name Payment Gateway Sales tax rate (ZERO, if no tax) Event START DATE Event START TIME Event Details: (e.g. Ticket prices, special instructions, special rules, food or drink availability, Cash Bar, DJ, Live Music, etc.) TICKET INFORMATION Ticket Type (e.g. $35 General Admission, $50 Adults, $20 children, $10 Parking etc.) Number of tickets per ticket type (e.g. Only 200 General admission, 100 VIP and 50 Parking tickets to be sold) Online Sales START DATE Online Sales START TIME Online Sales END TIME Maximum number of tickets per order (e.g. each customer can buy a maximum of 10 tickets per order) Do you need Discount Codes? (If not, skip the next section)YesNo How many discount codes do you need? Discount Code Expiration date (Leave Blank if they don’t expire) Discount code usage (e.g. How many times can a discount code be used) Discount Code Description (e.g. one for $5 off, another for 10% off) Robot Check: What is 20+5 minus 5=?